How To Get Free Credit On Pay As You Go Mobiles
This very simple trick will enable you to get free credit on any pay as you go mobile phone. It works on all networks and works 97% of the time.
This very simple trick will enable you to get free credit on any pay as you go mobile phone. It works on all networks and works 97% of the time.
Step 1. Buy a top up voucher of you choice
Step 2. Find a friend who is on the same network to buy one also
Step 3. Both of you type in the digit of the top up card into your phone(the same voucher)
Step 4. When you get to the last digit both of you press confirm at the exact same time so the same voucher registers on both of your phones.
Step 5. Repeat this with the other voucher your friend bought, you will now have twice the amount of credit on your phone for the price of half.
This works on all pay as you go networks and works about 97% of the time.
Good luck and enjoy!